Patents and certificates 2020

“GPS navigator program for autonomous buoy acoustic flow velocity meter “A-NAVIGATOR”

The program is designed to operate a GLONASS/BDS/GPS navigation module for a buoy acoustic flow velocity meter. The program provides the following functions: cyclic survey of geolocation data, bringing data to a standard form, digital filtering of anomalous values, recording to external media, transmission of telemetric information, control of power saving modes of the navigation module and peripheral devices. The program uses scientific and technological developments of the authors.

Programming Language: C/C++

Computer program size: 16.9 KB

The program for the autonomous module of the buoy acoustic flow velocity meter “IST-1MA-SD”

The program is designed to provide autonomous operation of a buoy acoustic flow velocity meter and its interaction with a PC. The program ensures the operation of the device in user-defined operating modes: in offline mode (switching on and off the measuring module according to the schedule, receiving and recording measurement data in the memory module), in telemetry mode (transmission of measurement module data to a PC), in the mode of working with settings and memory (exchange of settings data with a PC, transferring the contents of memory to a PC, clearing memory), as well as in the power saving mode and indicating the status of the battery charge controller. The algorithms of the program are based on scientific and technological developments of the authors.

Programming Language: C/C++

Computer program size: 96 KB

Program for primary registration and processing of measurement data of bioelectronic environmental monitoring complexes based on bivalve mollusks “BIOMON”

The program is designed for primary registration in telemetric and autonomous modes of measuring information from bioelectronic meters “Biopost” and “Biomonitor-L”, as well as data processing for the implementation of automatic environmental monitoring of marine and freshwater objects using bivalves. The main functions of the program are: registration and retransmission of data; processing and numerical-graphical output of measuring information; formation of an indication signal for the detection of toxic contaminants. OS: Windows.

Programming language: Delphi Pascal

Computer program size: 3.7 MB


The invention relates to the field of ice production, namely to methods of seasonal accumulation of cold. The cold of the environment is accumulated using a direct-flow spray heat exchanger by freezing the liquid sprayed in the ejector channel and accumulating ice in a thermally insulated volume. The liquid sprayed in the ejector channel having a crystallization temperature above the ambient temperature is crystallized. Before spraying, the liquid is supercooled, giving heat to the environment through a heat exchanger installed in front of the sprayer. The expansion of the temperature range and substances for the accumulation of natural cold at one installation is provided. 1 ill.

GPS GLO program for receiving and processing NMEA satellite navigation protocol data from GPS/GLONASS modules

The program is designed for recording, linking and processing satellite navigation data in telemetry and offline modes of measuring information from GPS/GLONAS modules. The main functions of the program: reception and registration of primary data of the NMEA GPS/GLONAS protocol modules in telemetry mode via serial interface or from previously recorded files; command control of module settings based on the ATGM336H chipset; display, processing and output of satellite navigation data in numerical and graphical form using user maps and Yandex and Google Internet maps. OS: Windows.

Programming language: Delphi Pascal

Computer program size: 1.05 MB

“A program for estimating the variability of the vorticity of the shear stress of wind friction and the vertical Ekman velocity over the sea surface”

The program is designed to assess the characteristics of seasonal and interannual variability of the vorticity of the tangential wind friction stress (ZKNTV) and vertical Ekman velocity (VEC) according to re-analyses. The results of the calculations can be used to solve the problems of diagnosis and prediction of the state of the ocean-atmosphere system in the selected region. The main functions of the program: calculation of the WKNTV and VEC for the selected region based on data on the meridional and zonal components of the wind vector from the re-analyses of NCEP-DOE, ERA-Interim, MERRA2, JRA-55; calculation of average monthly, average annual values, standard deviations, linear trends of the ZKNTV and VEK, as well as the level of their significance; construction of fields of calculated values. OS: Windows.

Programming Language: Matlab

The volume of the computer program: 196 KB